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 Samples of work by graduate and undergraduate students in
Donna Cameron's multimedia production classes

"Code", an original dance on video. TRT, 4:12". Produced, Directed, Edited by Joan Karlen.

Joan Karlen, NYU, TSOA Film & TV Workshop Student

(Professor of Dance at UW) 


Joan Karlen, NYU, TSOA Film & TV Workshop Student

(Professor of Dance at UW) 


                                              "Partly due to my success working with documentary video, I wanted to learn about the possibilities of combining video with dance. During summer 1996, I attended the video production course at NYU’s Tisch Film School.My broad purpose was to learn new ways of seeing. The course dealt with hands-on field and TV studio camera work, editing, and viewing the weekly projects of nineteen classmates. "From Professor Donna Cameron's commentary I learned to see each director's style, aesthetic choices, and recurring themes --and became aware of my own. I also learned to see frame composition in a new way."

from "TEACHING WITH TECHNOLOGY TODAY"   Vol. 6, No. 1: June 15, 2000  "Technology and Dance bring New Avenues for Artistic Discovery"

PLAY Joan's dance video, "Code"

Jason DeBari, NYU Film & Television

Produced, Directed, Written by Jason DeBari
"In Transit", Narrative Film, TRT 17:39"

click THIS TEXT to play Jason's "In Transit" video

R. Stergel, NYU Photography & Imaging

Directed, Photographed, Edited by R. Stergel
"Fulton" TRT 1:48" & "View...", TRT 4:07", Poetic Visual Videos

click THIS TEXT to play Sergel's "Fulton..." & "View..."


S. Casey, J. Damon, K. Oyama, NYU Film & TV

Directors: Stephany Casey, Julie Daman, Kana Oyama
"The Daily Dose" Beginning TV Studio Soap Opera Spoof, TRT 10:25"

click THIS TEXT to play "The Daily Dose" soap video

Dominick Di Pietrantonio, SVA Computer Arts

Created by Dominick Di Pietrantonio
"Psycle", An FSX Life Evolution. TRT, 1.11"

click THIS TEXT to play Dominick's "Psycle" morph


Rochelle Yang, NYU Film & Television

Performed, Choreographed, Edited by Rochelle Yang
"Experimental Dance Video", TRT 5.19"

Click THIS TEXT to play Rochelle's "Experimental Dance" video

Shinho Lee, NYU Film & Television

Harry Stavrou, SVA Computer Arts

Produced, Directed, Taped, Edited by Harry Stavrou
"rain", Experimental Video, TRT 7:11"

click THIS TEXT to play Harry's "rain" video

Ori Kleiner, SVA Computer Arts

Produced, Photographed, Edited by Ori Steiner
"2y", Installation Video, TRT 5:45"

click THIS TEXT to play Ori's "2y" installation video

Shiri Bar-On, NYU Photography & Imaging

Produced, Videotaped, Edited by Shiri Bar-On
video Experiments
"One Shot" TRT 6:36" Video Experiments

click THIS TEXT to play Shiri's "One Shot" video

Derek Brown, NYU Film & Television

Produced, Directed, Edited by Derek Brown
"Battle Colors" Video Documentary, TRT 11:40"

click THIS TEXT for Derek's "BATTLE COLORS" video

Margeaux Mulligan, SVA Computer Arts

Created by Margeaux Mulligan
"A Prayer for Homogeny". TRT, 2:42"

click THIS TEXT to play Margeaux's "Prayer" collage

SIGHT & SOUND Showcase, Film and Video TRT 27:38"
Donna Cameron, Curator

click THIS TEXT for Fresh Start Program (Part 1) video

click THIS TEXT for Fresh Start Program (Part 2) video

Produced, Directed, Taped, Edited by Shinho Lee
"Earth and Sky" Experimental Video Portrait, TRT 5:02"

click THIS TEXT for Shinho's "Earth and Sky" video excerpt